About Us

So who exactly is THEBUGNUT?

The simple answer would be it's me, Peter Rood but the true answer would be it is all of us. Let me explain... better yet... let me sum up.

The term "Bugnut" is nothing new, however back when I was in college the internet was new and cool fun handles for your online accounts were available for the taking. Since I was fully involved in the VW scene at the time, and driving around in my 1971 Super Beetle, I setup my very first email with the prefix "THEBUGNUT". Going forward I eventually picked up the domain name and other social media accounts with the same handle with the intention of one day making use of it in the VW community.

I finally decided to put the name to good use by setting up a dedicated website that will follow the restoration of my personal 1971 Super Beetle and the related journey I am planning to California upon its completion. I hope the site can be used as a central point online to share my restoration progress, images and stories from previous projects, events, gatherings, and a way to create a following of VW enthusiasts like myself who can help each other with their projects.

I always say that owning a classic VW (mainly air-cooled) is a team sport. Nobody can do it all on their own. You need to have a circle of hobby mechanics and VW enthusiasts to help with each little project that may require a helping hand or helpful knowledge from experience. Together we work as a team to keep our little Volkswagens alive and well.

So in reality, to answer the question... we are all "THEBUGNUT" in our circle of friends. It is probably best described as a VW fever that can't be cured.

THEBUGNUT.com Team...

This website is driven by a team of VW enthusiasts who just want to share all things related to this crazy hobby. Just like you, they are eager to help other VW enthusiasts wherever, and whenever they can. If you want to become part of the team, please let us know. We would love to hear from you. Contact us today!

Herbie the Love Bug

"Like so many others VW enthusiasts, my love for the Volkswagen Beetle can be traced back to Herbie the Love Bug"


About Peter Rood

Peter Rood is a Creative Designer who graduated with Honours from the Multimedia Design and Production Technician program at Humber College. Peter has experience in website design, video production, photography, printing, graphic design, multimedia design and has worked for several select organizations as the Senior Web Designer & Multimedia Specialist throughout the years. Today, he is the owner / operator of Rood's Media, a website design and multimedia production company located in Orangeville, Ontario.

Peter has also been involved in the Volkswagen community since the early 90's when the VW Beetles were starting to be seen as a collector car. He pulled his first Beetle (1974 Super Beetle) out of a barn in Acton, Ontario in 1993. Since then he as owned / rebuilt several classic VW's both in his garage, and at Bugs On The Hill.

In 2001 Peter was able to become one of the directors of The Great Canadian Bug Show, replacing Brad from Brad's Bugs. This is where he made his connection with Rick at 410-Auto, another VW specialist. The show was moved to Stouffville for two years, and then on to the Hershey Centre in Mississauga for two more before putting the show into retirement.

Since then Peter has been busy with his business and family, but now it's time to get busy in the VW community again. This website is the centre of all his VW related interests both new and old.

Peter Rood
Peter Rood
Peter Rood
Peter Rood
My Image


We would love to hear from you. We want to know your VW stories, see pictures, and we are always looking for help with the website and managing the content. Sound interesting? Contact us today for a chat.

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copyright © thebugnut.com 2023

Website Design by Peter Rood

Website Design by Peter Rood